Cutting Perennials

Cutting perennials in the fall can start as soon as the plants begin to wilt from frost.  After the first frost, some perennials will start to wilt and go dormant for the winter.  By the second or third hard frost, most perennial plants will be shutting down for the...

Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses add character and elegance to landscape projects.  Ornamental grasses range in size from several inches tall all the way up to several feet tall.  When selecting ornamental grasses for your landscape project, find out the mature height of the...

Planting Fall Bulbs

Planting fall bulbs is a great way to add color to your landscape in the spring.  The perennial plants will emerge in the spring and make way for a great show case of color.  Planting fall bulbs is more cost-effective than planting individual container plants.  You...

Properly Plant Perennials

It is important to know how to properly plant perennials in your landscape project.  There are several factors that one should consider when trying to properly plant perennials.  The time of year that the perennials are being planted will dictate if and what plants...