Improper lawn maintenance can make for an unattractive lawn.  There are four basic parts to improper lawn maintenance.  Knowing what to do and what not to do, is key in proper lawn maintenance.

Improper Lawn Maintenance

Four basic parts to improper lawn maintenance.

Improper mowing is usually the major culprit of improper lawn maintenance.  If you cut your grass too frequently, it may stress your grass.  If you cut your grass too short, it may also stress your grass.  Most cool season grasses including Kentucky bluegrass should be cut at 2.5″ to 3.5″ tall.  If you let your grass grow too tall, it may also cause problems.  Long grass may create a breeding ground for pest.  Long grass will also cause the soil to retain water for a longer time.

Improper watering is also another major cause of improper lawn maintenance.  Watering too much may cause grass to die out, especially if there is pooling water.  Too much water will also cause your grass to grow faster.  Fast growing grass will need more frequent mowing.  If you are mowing, it is important to keep in mind that it is not recommended to cut more than 1/3 off of the grass-blade at one time.  Cutting more than 1/3 off of the grass-blade will stress the grass plant.  Excessive top-growth will also cause clumping.  If you experience clumping in your lawn, make sure to bag or double cut your grass.  Grass clumps left on top of your lawn may suffocate it and cause it to die out.

Improper weed control can also contribute to improper lawn maintenance.  Allowing weeds to run amuck in your lawn will cut down on the quality of your turf.  Weeds will compete with your turf grass for nutrients and water.  Most of the time weeds will win the war.  Getting your lawn on a regular weed control program will help eliminate weeds in your lawn.

Improper fertilizing and nutrients will also lead to improper lawn maintenance.  You should have a soil analysis done to your property prior to applying fertilizer and other nutrients.  The right amount of fertilizer can increase the quality of your lawn.  Too much or too little fertilizer can have negative effects on your property.