Purchasing a riding mower can save you lots of time if you buy the right piece of equipment. There are several things to take into consideration when purchasing a commercial mower. Usually the first thing that most consumers consider is price. Purchasing a riding mower can be a significant investment and it is important to stay with-in your budget. The good news is that most companies are offering 0% financing on new equipment purchases. Having the flexibility to pay for the riding mower over the course of several years can allow you to buy a better piece of equipment. The second thing that most consumers consider is the size of the unit. The size of your property should help determine the size of machine that you should buy. Keep in mind that different sized units come with different attachments. Usually the cheaper the unit, the less options that you have for attachments. A lot of attachments are universal, but some are not. Bagging systems are important if you have a property with lots of trees. Having a bagging system for mower will save you countless hours during leaf clean up.
Zero turn mowers are more productive than your traditional riding mower. Zero turn mowers are faster and more efficient because of the design of the unit. Below are some zero turn mower recommendations.
Riding mower options for your consideration.
Toro zero turn mowers– Toro produces great home owner and commercial mowing units. The biggest difference between a home owner unit and a commercial unit is the quality. Home owner units have tinner mower deck metal. Most home owner units have smaller HP engines.
Bad Boy zero turn mowers- Bad Boy produces several different models of zero turn riding mower units. The basic zero turn design from company to company is the same, the biggest difference would be operator preference.
Exmark Manufacturing zero turn mowers- Exmark produces productive and reliable zero turn riding mower units. They offer units that are gas-powered or propane powered.